These alfalfa images are available for your use -- we only ask that you acknowledge the source (click on the image and mouse over it to find the source listed at the bottom).
Alfalfa Seedlings 4
Alfalfa Seedlings 4
Alfalfa seedling in unifoliolate leaf stage (Photo by R.M. Sulc)
Alfalfa Seedlings 3
Alfalfa Seedlings 3
Alfalfa seedlings emerging in very clean seedbed (Photo by R.M. Sulc)
Alfalfa Seedlings 2
Alfalfa Seedlings 2
Alfalfa seedlings in unifoliolate leaf stage (Photo by R.M. Sulc)
Alfalfa seedlings 1
Alfalfa seedlings 1
Alfalfa seedlings in seedbed with corn residue (Photo by R.M. Sulc)
Alfalfa frost injury
Alfalfa frost injury
Alfalfa spring growth injured by frost - By Jeff Stachler
Potato leafhopper and alfalfa injury
Potato leafhopper and alfalfa injury
nymph (L) and adult (R). Photo courtesy of W.O. Lamp, Univ. of Maryland
Alfalfa canopy
Alfalfa canopy
Photo by RM Sulc
Alfalfa flower
Alfalfa flower
Photo by RM Sulc
Alfalfa leaves and buds
Alfalfa leaves and buds
Photo by RM Sulc
Alfalfa weevil feeding damage-2
Alfalfa weevil feeding damage-2
Pinhole feeding damage by alfalfa weevil on alfalfa (Photo by Mark Sulc)
Alfalfa weevil feeding damage-1
Alfalfa weevil feeding damage-1
Pinhole feeding damage by alfalfa weevil in alfalfa (Photo by Mark Sulc)