Beef and Forage Field Night
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Beef and forage enthusiasts alike are invited to attend the upcoming 2017 Beef and Forage Field Night scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 24, from 5-8:30 P.M. This event will be held at the Jackson Agricultural Research Station of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), 019 Standpipe Rd. Jackson, OH 45640.
Tour Stop #1: Adding Value to Calves to Enhance Marketing Opportunities
* This stop will discuss management practices covering health, nutrition, animal identification and documentation, and other topics that can add value to calves on sale day.
* Featured speakers will include representatives from some of the leading feeder calf markets in Ohio.
Tour Stop #2: Managing the Reproductive Calendar
* Reproductive performance of the breeding herd has the single largest impact over any other production trait on the potential profitability of any cow-calf operation.
* Featured speakers and topics:
– Dr. Justin Kieffer, The Ohio State University Animal Science Department: Importance of Pregnancy Diagnosis
– Jess Bowen, Extension Educator, ANR, OSU Extension – Vinton County: The Cost of an Open Cow
– Jeff Moore, Extension Educator, ANR, OSU Extension – Gallia County: Developing an Annual Reproduction Plan
Tour Stop #3: Successful Forage Seedings and Inter-Seedings
* Productive forage stands in hay or pasture situations are a key component of a successful nutrition program for the beef herd. This stop will discuss processes such as seeding methods, planting dates, fertility, varieties, etc. to increase the probability for success in a forage production enterprise.
* Featured speakers and topics:
– Dr. Jimmy Henning, Forage Specialist, University of Kentucky Plant & Soil Sciences: Making Successful Long-Term Hay and Pasture Seedings
– Scott Payne, Manager, Jackson Agricultural Research Station, OARDC: Inter-Seeding Forages to Improve Stands
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. $10 per person. Registration deadline is August 21. Includes dinner. Registration and dinner begin at 5 p.m. Program begins promptly at 6 p.m. Make checks payable to Ohio State University/OARDC. Complete the registration form linked here and mail it and your check to Scott Payne, 019 Standpipe Road, Jackson, OH 45640. For more information, contact Scott Payne at (740) 286-3803 or .
This event is sponsored by OARDC and OSU Extension along with support from Armstrong Ag and Supply, Circle M Farms Feed and Supply, Jackson Ag Service, Jackson – Vinton Farm Bureau, and Bridgeport Equipment.